MaxxCAM Nesting
"Let's solve that puzzle"
Nesting has been known to humans for tousands of years, it is not new to us.
MaxxCAM has taken the nesting process to the next level by introducing multi sheet nesting for rectangular and irregular shaped parts.
Scroll down the page to see multi sheet nesting for rectangular and irregular shaped parts.

Rectangular Nesting
Rectangular nesting will treat any shape as a rectangle, which is why it is called rectangular nesting.
MaxxCAM's rectangular nester will allow nesting on multiple sheets and sizes at the same time, resulting in stunning results.
Rectangular nesting features include:
Rotation and grain control
Nest for next process
Due date nesting
Priority of parts
Mirror of parts
Revision of parts
Nesting of parts and assemblies
Comphrensive reports
Colour code for easy part identification
Use of multi-core processors for fast results

Irregular Shape Nesting

Rotation and grain control
Nest for next process
Due date nesting
Priority of parts
Mirror of parts
Revision of parts
Nesting of parts and assemblies
Comphrensive reports
Colour code for easy part identification
Use of multi-core processors for fast results
Irregular nesting will create sophisticated true shape layouts.
MaxxCAM's irregular nesting engine will allow nesting on multiple sheets and sizes at the same time, resulting in mind blowing results.
Irregular nesting features include: